The journal is a member of WAME and it follows its guidelines. The journal is not a member of COPE, however follows the ethical principles of COPE.

  • In accordance with COPE guidelines, we take all reasonable precautions to prevent misconduct.
  • Misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, straying from accepted ethical standards, any accusations of publication issues, confidentiality breaches, and plagiarism when planning, carrying out, or evaluating research or when disseminating findings.
  • Each author of a research paper that is published in the Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College is obliged to perform their research in compliance with the most stringent ethical guidelines that are followed worldwide.
  • The editorial team reviews all articles submitted to the journal internally before publishing them.
  • If an article is accepted that raises concerns about potential research or publication misconduct or that could have an ethical impact on journal policies, the editors will take action.
  • Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College  requires immediate inquiries, settlement, and penalization for all such allegations. After conducting all required investigations, reviews, hearings, and appeals, the Chief Editor of Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College decides whether or not an inquiry should be conducted and submits its final report.


The editor withdraws an article if there is sufficient evidence that the article is plagiarized, have extensive AI content, data is fabricated or the article has already been published in another journal.