WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF ANNALS OF ASH AND KMDC (Journal Published Quarterly) APPROVED BY: PMDC (Pakistan Medical & Dental Council) No.PF.HF-97. RECONGNIZED BY: HEC, Master List Thomson Reuters, Pak Medinet, Pak Med, EMRO (WHO) and ASIA NET


The Annals of Abbasi Shaheed hospital and KMDC publishes original research work carried out by clinicians, population scientists and medical students in all fields of medicine and dentistry.

The articles describing or analyzing significant health problems are considered for publication in our journal. More over it is specified that fundamental research like computational design models of drugs etc do not meet the gateway of the journal.

The types of publishable material include original articles, case reports, short communication, student articles and letter to editor. Every issue relays an editorial on to some burning topic in relation to local or global health problems. Review articles can be sent by the experts in the field or may be invited from time to time by the editor.

All articles published represent the opinion of the author and do not reflect editor's or editorial staff's endorsement. All rights reserved to the Patron of the journal (Principal and chairman Academic council, Karachi Medical and Dental College). No part of the Journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the editor ANNALS Abbasi Shaheed hospital and KMDC Manuscripts, including illustrations and tables must be original and not under consideration by another publication.

The plagiarism policy is strict and takes decisions for any form of plagiarism in accordance to WAME.

The Annals of Abbasi Shaheed hospital and KMDC has agreed to receive manuscripts in accordance with the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals".


Animal rights Policy

Animal rights policy Generally the Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical Dental College receives very few manuscripts related to animal research. It is encouraged that animal related research be sent to the specific sub-specialty related journal and is not published in the journal. However when an article related to animal research is submitted, it is expected that the authors have adhered to the following: 1. Local Institutional review board has approved the research study. 2. Approval of the local animal research committee in the institute or the university research ethics committee, where the research was carried out is attached along with the submitted manuscript. Hopefully the local animal research committee is taking into consideration that alternative research with animals is not possible and animals are essential for their research, justification on the number of animals used is mentioned, animal welfare must be a priority in terms of living space, nutrition, cleanliness, day to day care and above all minimal pain is caused to animals with appropriate analgesia and anaesthesia, researchers must respect the animals and they have a legal, ethical and personal responsibility when getting involved in animal research. Researcher should be properly trained and competent in all procedures related to the animals including euthanasia. In Pakistan we are following the Helsinki's Declaration regarding animal house and animal handlings as indicated in the following website:






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